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Baby Signing Classes 

What is baby sign?
Baby signing is a form of pre-verbal communication. Babies understand so much before they can talk! From as early as 6 to 9 months old, babies can begin to tell you what they want, what they are thinking about and how they feel.
As a part of typical development before speech is well established, babies naturally use a combination of gestures and sounds to help their parents understand them. For example they may point, shake their heads, clap their hands and wave "bye-bye". Now is a good time to introduce some extra gestures to help your baby communicate. And baby signing also reduces frustration, boosts self-esteem and self-confidence: in short making for very happy parents and carers and even happier babies!
What to expect.
These classes  combine the benefits of both music and baby signing with the use of well know nursey rhymes, action songs and musical activities to help stimulate language development.  I teach a wide range of signs using some traditional and some adapted songs. I don't use too many signs within the songs, just enough to highlight the key words. 
Baby Sign Classes teach keyword signing with the spoken word at the one-word level, which is appropriate to the age group. With baby sign you always say the word, never sign in silence.  


Baby Sign Classes are QR 400 per term (for a10 week term). Siblings receive 20% discount. Payment is due at the first class of each term, in cash.


Baby Sign Classes: 6 - 18 months


Sundays 9 am

The term will begin Sunday January 11th and run for 10 weeks with a 1 week separated break

( February 1st there will be no class).

Classes will be held at Villa 10, Opposite Nasseria 5 Compound, Gharrafa.



Thursdays 3.30pm

The term will begin Thursday January 8th and run for 10 weeks with a 1 week separated break

( February 5th there will be no classes).

Classes will be held at Villa 10, Opposite Nasseria 5 Compound, Gharrafa.



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